2014년 인천광역시의회 홍보 동영상(영어)
Putting the citizens' safety first Serving the citizens' needs Protecting the citizens' trust, Happy people, hopeful council This is Incheon Metropolitan Council Incheon Metropolitan Council, on democracy The History of Incheon Metropolitan Council Incheon Metropolitan Council, Coexisting alongside the history of democracy, Putting the utmost importance on the citizens' happiness, Incheon Metropolitan Council has developed into 12 districts with 28 candidates since the first local assembly election back in 1952 Struggling through the dark era and the pains of dissolved local assembly, the council was brought back in 1991 though the adaption of local administrative law amendment, reviving the new era of Incheon Metropolitan Council on the first day of 1995, leading to the second Incheon Metropolitan Council election in June, 1995 Through its third, fourth, fifth, and sixth councils, the Incheon Metropolitan Council has been with the citizens of Incheon through thick and thin. With the welfare of the citizens of Incheon at its core, the new 7th Incheon Metropolitan Council was launched on July 1, 2014, By fortifying the check and monitor system on executive branch, the council is leading in its efforts to eradicate corruption, bring back integrity to the local assembly politics, and keep promises made to the citizens of Incheon. Incheon together with the citizens Operation of Incheon Metropolitan Council The seventh Incheon Metropolitan Council is made up of 35 members including 31 district councilors and 4 proportional representatives, elected through the local election. During their 4-year term, these councilmen will usher in the progress of Incheon through balanced congressional politics. The president and two vice presidents with 2-year term have been elected through secret ballots and will lead the operations of the council For more efficient assembly activities, Incheon Metropolitan Council has two separate operating bodies, the standing committee and the special committee, keeping a watchful eye on the executive branch and carrying out budget approval and establishing regulations Effective support for the Government Steering Committee To support efficient work-flow of the councilors, the Steering Committee handles affairs relating to council operations. Set up to address specific items on the agenda, the Steering Committee is comprised of permanent Special Committee on Budget and Accounts, Special Committee on Ethics, and temporarily-run special committee operated to handle the current issues. To widen the facets of council operation, it communicates with the executive branch and to strengthen capacity of each councilor, the Steering Committee is focusing its efforts on policy support to create a promising council that is in step with the needs of the citizens of Incheon Government that listens to the public Planning and Administrative Committee Planning and Administrative Committee was created to prevent wasteful spending of the citizens' taxes and to design Incheon according to city planning For the welfare of three million citizens and for the progress of Incheon Metropolitan City, the council is collecting data from the field and mediating on projects that cause strife among the citizens, and pushing forward with policy that will satisfy all. A community of content and happy citizens, this is Incheon Metropolitan City. Introducing Incheon to the World Culture and Welfare Committee Culture and Welfare Committee is focused on improving the cultural welfare of Incheon, a leading international city attracting millions of tourists. It is committed on providing various cultural welfare sites throughout the city and in providing necessary cultural services to the public, thereby improving their lives. The council strives to improve the quality of life of all Incheon citizens by building up cultural contents and opportunities for the public. For Affluent Incheon Industry and Economy Committee The Industry and Economy Committee is focused on the completion of the Free Economic Zone and the revitalization of local economy, which are the windows to Incheon's industrial and economical future. To create more new jobs and increase industrial population, the committee is pushing ahead with hands-on legislations as well as promoting eco-friendly, green-city in which people, nature, and development can thrive in harmony. Desirable City Planning Construction and Transportation Committee To design Incheon into a place everyone desires to reside, the Construction and Transportation Committee is faithfully carrying out its inspector role, representing the general public through meticulous investigation and trustworthy checks and verifications. By examining technical issues related to such projects as Wolmi Galaxy Rail, the committee is continuing its investigative efforts in clarifying responsibilities and obligations A place where dreams and hopes grow Education Committee The Incheon Metropolitan Council only passes essential legislations for the children. The committee strives to create sensible educational policies to cultivate dreams and future of the children and to raise global talents. A warm-hearted education - the needed talents of the world will flourish in the education environment of Incheon. To shine the bright light of hope in the lives of three million citizens of Incheon, the Incheon Metropolitan Council will give careful attention to the words of its citizens. By submitting petitions and complaints, taking the Council tour and attending council meetings, or by participating in mock-assembly program and citizen's assembly academy, the citizens of Incheon can now take part in making the council better. Not only that, in order to collect a wider range of citizens' opinions, monitoring agents, 'Voice of the citizens,' and citizen participation opportunities have been created. Also, the council's activities are communicated through its Homepage and publications. Incheon Metropolitan Council is expanding venues of communication to include mobile homepage and SNS, allowing citizens to access information whenever and wherever they want. As the representative of three million citizens, I will hold the executive branch in check and always seek reasonable alternatives to bring about progress of the council. Incheon Metropolitan Council, Putting the citizens' safety first, Serving the citizens needs And protecting the citizens' trust Incheon Metropolitan Council is working hard to make the right policy decisions based on field research, striving to become a council well loved and trusted by the three million citizens of Incheon. A new Incheon, happy citizens, and hope-giving Incheon Metropolitan Council!